Concert Review: Tom Odell

Tom Odell - Club Bahnhof Ehrenfeld, Cologne | May 18th 2013

If his talent was food he could end world hunger.

Hey guys,
and with that being said you probably already get my point.
As most of you know I went to the Tom Odell show in Cologne yesterday (May 18th) not only because I discovered Tom's music a while ago and liked it but also because I got a press card to photograph and review this show.

The British singer / songwriter / piano man stopped in Cologne to play a show as part of his European tour.

And now here's a little review of the evening:

Well, I shouldn't say evening because for me the road trip started at 11am since travelling to Cologne takes 3 to 4 hours. Because Cologne is a super pretty city we also decided to do some sight seeing so it was all about being there in time. (But my Cologne adventures are worth another post coming soon.)

The venue, Club Bahnhof Ehrenfeld, a quite small but cozy club - the perfect location for the show to happen.

After meeting some super lovely people while waiting for the doors to open I already knew that this show couldn't be bad.
If I'm informed right the delay at the beginning was caused by a cancelled support act. So instead of getting something to hear and see at 8pm we just stood there for an hour longer. But the wait was so worth it.

Starting with some German expressions Tom already won a few laughs and hearts (from pretty much every lady in the room). 

What surprised me was the fact that he actually had a big variety of songs with him: from some slowed down ballads to songs with more of a rock'n'roll-ish vibe. 
And the variety of his style is even bigger: from gently playing the piano to almost smashing it completely and me in the crowd already preparing to catch some flying keys.

One of the things I enjoyed the most was his energy and passion. You know that sparkle in people's eyes that do what they love? Tom definitely got it. And hell, he sings his heart out.

The constant interaction between Tom Odell and his crowd is another thing to talk about:
I've been to a few shows were the artists just played two or three songs in a row without talking to the crowd which can be a cool thing if the "show" is big, but I personally prefer it when the artists take some time to tell the crowd jokes or just ask if everyone's alright.

After focusing on Tom for the most time I also decided to give a few minutes of attention to his band and I didn't regret it at all. The three super talented musicians behind him couldn't do a better job. Excellent men!

The song that stood out the most was "Another Love", sure because the whole crowd already knew it. But the other songs "Can't Pretend", "Long Way Down" and "Sense" made a few "hard core" fans sing along.
Another highlight was him playing the guitar for "Stay Tonight".

I absolutely loved his cover of "Oh! Darling" by the Beatles, check out a little clip of it here:

(sorry about the quality)

"Another Love" live:

This video was uploaded by Marvin, go and check out his YouTube channel for more videos here.

Now for those who care about after the show:
I made my way to the merchandise shop and again had a hard time choosing what to get. When the decision was made I went up to the merch guy who was currently giving away 3 signed posters and asked me if I wanted one. Of course I said no.
Hah, not. 
So I'm not only the owner of a pretty shirt but also a unique signed poster.
When I was about to leave suddenly a blonde guy stood next to me. It was Tom to take pictures with his fans.

I had a little chit chat with him also about my blog and he promised to check it out. 
So Tom, if you're reading right now - that's so cool. 
If you're not then I will spam you until you do.
Thanks a lot for taking so much time to listen to what I had to say, means a lot!

To sum it all up in a few sentences:
Tom Odell is not only a hell of a performer with one of the most powerful voices but also a very entertaining and funny lad. (Quite a bit cheeky, too. Yes Tom, I saw you kissing my business card.)
I'd go out to see him live again whenever I could.

Link party with Tom:

And that's it.
I hope you enjoyed this review (it's so long, I know)

x Vanessa

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  1. Richtig gut geworden Vanessa! :)
    Tom Odell ist wirklich cool.
    Hoffentlich sieht man sich beim nächsten Konzert.


    1. Vielen Dank für dein Kommi!
      War super, euch zu treffen. :)x

  2. Tolle Fotos hast du da gemacht!!!

    lg lena


Let me know what you think! :)