
Hey guys,

today I wrote my second final exam and I think it went pretty well. It was English. : )
After that I went to my horse and she could finally get back on the paddock again because the weather was soo wonderful today.
At first I just sat there, soaking up the sun and enjoying it. But when my horsie started to jump around totally happy I just had to take tons of pictures. Here are the best ones, I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

This weekend I will prepare a few blogpost for when I'm in London, please leave me some comments, here or on Twitter, and tell me what you would like to read. : )

Have fun with my happy horsiiiie. <3

x - Vanessa.

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  1. your horse is beautiful! And I envy you so much that you'll go to London. I want to go as well sooooo badly! Send me a postcard? :DD

    1. thank you! :)
      Well, I think there is still some room in my bags ;) Of course I will send you one! :)

      x - Vanessa.

    2. room in your bags? Wait a sec, I'm coming! Aw thanks :)

  2. your horse looks yummy :9 (remember the conversation that i could eat a horse? :D ) anyway, did you take the pics with your new cam? what did you do that the pics aren't blurry? (-> twitter)

    xo Ola

    1. How could I forget that conversation? :D:D
      Yes I did - I'll talk to you on Twitter ;)

      x - Vanessa.

  3. Hey Vany
    I think I`ve seen this horse before. It´s a wonderful
    horse and so beautiful. Oh now I remember where I`ve
    seen this horse . . . . it`s our horse :).

    1. Exactly! The most wonderful horse that exists!
      Thanks for the comment, Mom! :)

      x - Vanessa.


Let me know what you think! :)